Thursday 30 January 2020


Beautiful babies

1. Baby Bjorn Bouncer– Miller LOVED being in the bouncer and we could put her in there for long periods of time and she would just bounce away in it (or sleep in it when she was younger!) 100% worth the price. As soon as Miller grew out of it my best friend came over and grabbed it for her baby.

2. This Tubby Todd All Over Ointment cleared Miller’s baby acne in just two days. It is truly miracle ointment! My nephew has bad eczema and cradle cap and it cleared his cradle cap within a few days of use and treats his eczema instantly whenever he has a flare up! Definitely grab a tub of this to have around the house!

3. Gripe Water– Instantly gets rid of hiccups… every time!! We still use it for her hiccups and it still works! It is ginger water so it can also help settle their stomachs and ease their gas.

4. Owlet Smart Sock– This is probably the top baby product (besides the Doona) that I recommend to every expecting parent. I don’t know how I would have slept without it honestly and it allowed us to put Miller in her own room much faster than anticipated and that helped with her sleep training! When we traveled we had whoever watched her put it on every night and that also gave us sound of mind because we could check the app whenever we wanted.

5. Hushh Portable Sound Machine– I love the white noise options on this sound machine and the battery seems to last forever. It also has rubber on the outside for protection so Miller can throw it, chew it, etc and there isn’t a scratch on it! We used it as her main sound machine in her room too until we got the Hatch Baby Rest. Now we just use the Hushh when we travel or if we are out and about in town and want to try to get her to sleep in the stroller or carseat.

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