Thursday 9 January 2020

Healthy Food vs. Fast Food

Healthy Food vs. Fast Food
Work ran late; you're exhausted, and you've got nothing left in the fridge at home. The drive-thru is just calling your name. But how much will it cost you, health-wise? The occasional burger and fries won't have a significant impact on your health – though you might not feel your best after eating. But if you're turning to the convenience of fast food a few times a week or more, you could be harming yourself. That's because fast food has an abundance of nutrients you probably don't need, and mainly lacks those you do.

Calories, Calories, Calories

Although many fast food companies have rebranded with a "healthier" menu, most of what you'll get at the drive-thru is still a calorie bomb. So prepare for a very high-energy meal that won't necessarily make you feel full.
A 10-piece pack of chicken nuggets from one leading fast food chain, for instance, packs 463 calories. And a large order of fries adds another 554 calories, for a roughly 1,100-calorie meal – or about twice as many calories as a cup of roast chicken and a baked potato made at home. The fast food meal, despite having roughly two meals' worth of calories, likely won't keep you going longer than a few hours. And if you're eating fast food for dinner after having a normal-sized lunch, breakfast and snack, you could easily take in too many calories and, ultimately, gain weight.

Full of Sodium

Fast food provides few health benefits for your calorie investment compared to healthy foods – in part because of its high sodium. From fries to burgers to chicken, fast food is packed with salt to boost the food's flavor. One popular fast food burger has upwards of 1,000 milligrams of sodium per serving – more than 40 percent of your daily limit – and a larger order of fries adds another 400 milligrams.
All that salt has a negative effect on your health. Over time, a high-sodium diet can contribute to high blood pressure, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Too much salt also prevents your endothelial cells – the cells that line your blood vessels – from functioning properly, and a high-sodium diet may contribute to osteoporosis.
At home, you can more easily control your salt intake. Minimally processed foods tend to be naturally lower in sodium – that cup of roast chicken, for instance, has just 100 milligrams – and you can use salt-free herb and spice blends to season without sodium.

Nary a Vegetable in Sight

Sure, the single lettuce leaf on a burger may technically contribute to your veggie intake – but it falls far short of the full serving of vegetables you'd probably eat at home. The lack of veggies is one reason why fast food is generally not filling, because vegetables are the easiest way to increase the size of your meals without too many calories. It also means you'll lose out on nutrition.
Your body needs fruits and vegetables to provide several essential nutrients, including vitamin C – an antioxidant important for skin health – and potassium, an electrolyte that helps lower your blood pressure. And higher fruit and vegetable intakes are also linked to a lower risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
The occasional fast food meal here or there won't derail your veggie intake. But if you're replacing more and more homemade meals with fast food fare, you could be missing out on the produce you need.

The Bottom Line: Practice Moderation

There's no shame in hitting the drive-thru every now and then, or picking up the burger you loved as a kid when you want to feel a bit nostalgic. No single meal has the ability to derail your diet, and it won't undo all your hard work in the kitchen (and the gym).
But take notice if you start turning to fast food to fill gaps in your meal preparation, or if getting fast food starts to become a habit. Taking steps to make sure you always have a quick-to-prepare meal at home can help you avoid turning to fast food out of pure convenience – so when you do get it, it's because you'll really enjoy it.


  1. At MacDonalds you got a lot of good service and it fast you don't want to wait so long their food is good an delicious and their product are fresh

  2. I enjoy your food because it is always fresh

  3. I really love Mc Foldover, always fresh plus that white sauce is the best though they put a small amount of it.

  4. I really love Mc Foldover, always fresh plus that white sauce is the best though they put a small amount of it.

  5. I really love Mc Foldover, always fresh plus that white sauce is the best though they put a small amount of it.

  6. Food is always filling and very convenient when i get home very late after work...

  7. I love Mac d's breakfast, always fresh

  8. The family loves McDonald, we love the Apple pie so much, now thinking of McDonald now I'm hungry

  9. Me and my family we love mac D oh yhooo... fries never disappoint us always on point .even today I brought your burgers and they full fill my stomach. were fresh

  10. i love Mcdeez...especially the spicy Mcfeast!!!!!!!!!!

  11. The one thing I truly love is the service, please those fries are a killer. The Big Mac is my go to when I am heading home after a hectic night.

  12. My kids and grandson simply loves McDonald's. They can't wait for pay day lol

  13. Every year when it my kids birthday i took them to mcdonald

  14. Mac D the best place where you can have your Breakfast,Lunch and Supper we really enjoy it when we together as a family and they have the best fries

  15. Bridge city Mc D, the service is amazing they give us, it's professional. Every week I always buy big Mac and Mcfurry for me and my girlfriend πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ”πŸ”πŸŸπŸŸπŸ§πŸ§πŸ¨πŸ¨πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

  16. The thing I love about McDonald is that they are considerate and very accommodating to those who can't afford what they want..thank you for making it easier for some of us

  17. The chillies cheese double n Mac flurry is what keeps me going back to Mc D.... Love that is family friendly.... My kids love eating n playing at the same time.... Mc D Somerset West is the best with it's friendly staff n it smells fresh n clean.

  18. I love MC D because it has very affordable meals and we always enjoy it with my son since i can afford to throw him a birthday party i just take him to MC D to enjoy his day

  19. What i love about Mc Donalds?
    More what do i not like?
    Every single thing MADE by Mc donalds is the Bessttt!!!

    Number 1 choice place to eat!!
    There is just not better!!!

  20. I thought i loved it bt u should see my 6yr old wif a Mcfeast

  21. McDonald's Chillies cheese double man i love it Mc D is the way

  22. I like Mc Donald's food because is healthy,ooh! the chips is crispy,the cheese burger is is fresh,like a fresh wind in the morning,you don't que for long you order and you get nice food after short minutes,i love Mc Donald's even my child like it.

  23. My child loves her Old Mc Donalds as she calls it:-)

  24. i love the chillie cheese double it's amazing...

  25. I love my big mac meal @whalecoast mall

  26. When I was in London on holiday the only food that gave me comfort was McDonald's. I absolutely love McDonald's and my son loves the chicken burger last year he went through this phase every second day it was a McDonald's burger for lunch....

  27. I Love McDeez coz they now have healthy options for healthy conscious eaters. Enjoyed their ginger melon mocktail the other day with the chicken foldover....awesome

  28. My fam love Mac Donalds...healthy options nd yummy ice creams!!

  29. We love mc donalds me and my husband love the mc feast always a winner anything u sell is thats y we lovin it!!!

  30. Every year when it my kids birthday i took them to mcdonald

  31. Merci beaucoup pour magasin ladil

  32. The family loves McDonald, we love the Apple pie so much, now thinking of McDonald now I'm hungry

