Monday 24 February 2020

Tips to Take Care of Your Baby in Winter

We all love the winter season, but when it gets extremely cold outside, life gets tough for us. During winters, all you would want to do is stay cooped up in the house and if you are a new mom, you would want to protect your baby from the harsh winds blowing outside. As your baby’s immune system will be still developing, he will be susceptible to colds and infections and that is bound to leave you worried. But by taking preventive measures, you can keep your little one warm and safe. Read on to learn about newborn baby care during the winter season.

Problems Caused By Virus in Winters

Winter is also the season of the flu. It’s that time of the year when the virus spread easily and affect anyone and everyone in a matter of time. This gives rise to the typical winter diseases such as:
  • Influenza and bronchiolitis
  • Croup as well as rhinovirus
  • A variety of respiratory sensitive virus, which affect the respiratory tract and lead to cough and severe breathing problems

Symptoms of Winter Infections in Babies

Most of the infections that occur in winter have strong symptoms, which make them easier to be spotted. If your baby has an infection, you will notice the following symptoms in him –
  • He may cough severely and might even vomit
  • Your baby may have trouble breathing; he may gasp or take small breaths
  • He may make wheezing sounds while sleeping or even after coughing
  • He may have pain in the chest due to inflamed lungs as a result of a respiratory infection
  • He may have a runny nose, fever, cough, with a headache
  • He may feel fatigued

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