Monday 24 February 2020

5 Easy Kids Party Food Ideas

Looking for the best kids party food ideas? Here are 5 winning dishes guaranteed to please!

I can’t tell you the number of kids parties I’ve been to where Mum has created an amazing party food spread … only to have half of it left on the plates. Pinterest has inspired us to serve lovingly crafted cake pops and sandwiches shaped like princess crowns…but do the kids actually appreciate them? Unfortunately, the answer is mostly ‘no’.
But don’t despair, there are plenty of party foods that children love, and that I see devoured at party after party. I’ve created this list based on what I know from my own extensive experience, but also from asking for input from other mums. These foods were the clear winners.
You’ll find that, for the most part, this is a pretty basic list – many are party favourites from when we were kids, and they remain just as popular today.  To satisfy the more modern mama, I’ve included some fancy serving suggestions, along with a few new dishes.

1. Watermelon

This fruit gets a listing all of it’s own, because it is always such a hit. Watermelon is sweet and juicy…and also healthy and the easiest thing to prepare. Just cut it into small slices and serve. Watermelon is also the perfect fruit to cut into star or flower shapes using a cookie cutter. Or add a popsicle stick to create watermelon pops. Perfect for a summer party.

2. Chopped Fruit

Fruit platters are a favourite with parents, because they’re healthy. Most kids will eat a piece or two, especially strawberries and grapes. You can make your chopped fruit a little fancy by threading it onto popsicle sticks or blunt wooden skewers to create a fruit wand. I will include this proviso though – most kids will only eat a one kebab at the most. So don’t get too hopeful about this healthy dish!

3. Potato Chips & Popcorn

I’m sorry to say that a bag of potato chips will likely be one of the biggest hits on the party table. You can substitute popcorn if you must. Manage portions and pretty up the presentation by serving chips or popcorn in little paper cups.

4. Cocktail Frankfurts

Do yourself a favour and don’t look at the ingredients. Just boil them up, pop them in a bowl and voila, the kids will devour them.

5. Pigs In Blankets

If you can’t bring yourself to serve boring frankfurts, wrap them in a square of puff pastry, brushed with a little tomato sauce, and baked in a moderate oven for 12-15 minutes. Now they’re posh and yummy!

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