Friday 7 February 2020

Tips for Grocery Shopping Like a Pro, from the List to the Aisles

Ijust had a startling revelation: no one taught me how to grocery shop. Unlike riding a bike or baking cookies, no one showed me the way or gave me tips and pointers. The world assumed I would figure my way through the aisles to get what I needed. And I did, but I've discovered that the grocery store isn't just the place where shop for food: it's a business.
These stores are designed to make us lose self-control and spend as much money as possible. Those buy-one-get-one-free deals entice us and product placement on end caps seems to be a magical way to get unnecessary things into our shopping cart.
Without a plan and a great grocery list, it's easy to leave the store with more than we need. Whether your goal is to practice healthy eating, take advantage of free grocery coupons, or simply shop smarter, we're here to help. Here are our 12 grocery shopping tips to get you through the store without succumbing to temptation. 


Your list is your game plan, your way of staying away from those tempting deals that bombard you as you walk the aisles. Because guess what, you don't need them!
Make a grocery list before you go and you'll be less likely to throw a bunch of junk food into the shopping cart. If you're having a hard time deciding what should go on your great list, start by making a food menu for the week and go from there.


The best way to set your shopping trip up for success is to go on a full stomach. If you're hungry, you'll be easily tempted by impulse items with added sugars. Before you know it, that ice cream (that isn't on your list) and that goat cheese (not on the list, either) might make its way into your cart! Don't be tempted to deviate from your shopping list, so eat before you go shopping.
A quick snack of peanut butter on toast, a to-go pack of cottage cheese, or fresh fruits pack enough nutrition to ward off the hunger. Don't be tempted by things that sound delicious because you're hungry. Stick to your shopping list and eat before you go.


It's great to have healthy, noble intentions, but you're throwing your money away if you buy vegetables that you don't have a plan for. This goes for exotic vegetables and common fruits alike. How many of us have purchased a container of strawberries only to have them mold in the fridge? Waste is not only wasteful, but it's costly, too. So don't be tempted to throw in extra items from the produce section and only buy vegetables that you actually plan to eat.
While the health benefits of jackfruit or Brussels sprouts might be calling your name, you'll never use them if you don't have a smart meal prep plan in place. Think reasonably when building your list, and don't give yourself more work than you want to handle.


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