Thursday 12 March 2020

5 Tips That Will Change How You Clean Your Kitchen

Use Tea to Save Your Stove from Splatters

This tip went viral when our books premiered on EVINE Live: Use tea to keep gunk from sticking to your stove. Brew a pot of tea that is four times normal strength, then wipe it on your stove. The tannins in the tea will make it hard for grease and food to stick, making cleaning quick and easy.

DIY All-Purpose Orange Cleaner

We love the scent of orange in our kitchen, and we love this all-purpose cleaner made from orange peels even more. It works great on all kinds of kitchen surfaces like countertops, sinks, and greasy stoves, and all you need are the peels of several oranges, plain white vinegar, water, a spray bottle, and a glass jar with screw-top lid (a Mason jar works perfectly). Place the orange peels into the glass jar, cover with vinegar, and leave for several weeks in a cool spot. Then transfer some of the mixture to a spray bottle and add two parts water. Shake to combine, and it’s ready to use. Your family will love the scent!

Second Use for Used Baking Soda

Instead of throwing away baking soda away when it’s finished its 30-day stint in your fridge, dump it down the garbage disposal with running water. It will keep your disposal fresh too!

Make Oven Cleaning Easy

The secret to make oven cleaning easy is to take care of spills the second they happen. If there’s a sticky mess on the bottom of your oven,  sprinkle salt on top as soon as possible. After a little while in a hot oven, the spill will turn to ash and you can easily wipe it up with a wet cloth once your oven cools.

Top of the Fridge? No Problem

The top of the refrigerator can get gross, fast, thanks to tiny food particles that float into the air on steam and end up there. Make it easy to clean by topping it with a layer of plastic wrap each month. Then simply remove the plastic wrap and replace. You can barely see it, and you’ll never have to wipe down the top of your fridge again.

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